An ACT Government Website

The Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer informs, guides and advocates for ACT allied health professionals and gives advice on issues for the allied health workforce. The office works with allied health, nursing, midwifery and medical professionals.

The office also works closely with consumers, peak bodies, professional agencies, education providers and regulators.

Find out more:

ACT Chief Allied Health Officer

The ACT Chief Allied Health Officer, Dr Sue Fitzpatrick, is the representative for allied health professionals. She leads the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer and is part of the Office of Professional Leadership and Education in ACT Health.

Nationally, the ACT Chief Allied Health Officer is a member of the National Allied Health Advisers and Chief Officers Committee with allied health chiefs from across Australia.

Allied health workforce plan

The ACT Allied Health Workforce Framework Work Plan is a strategic guide to enable allied health workforce planning and initiatives.

Download the ACT Allied Health Workforce Work Plan.


To contact the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer you can: